Keynote & Workshop Topics 

From Silos to Systems: Implementing and Scaling UDL in Higher Ed

Drawing from research and extensive experience, this workshop presents a framework to guide implementation and scaling efforts for institutes of higher education related to UDL and accessibility. 

The Why, What & How of UDL

A fundamental primer designed to introduce and motivate faculty, staff, and administration regarding implementation and scaling of UDL in practice in higher education. 

Assessments for Everyone 

Digging deeper into the specific practice of designing effective assessments that lead to valid interpretation of learner growth and mastery, this hands-on workshop is designed to facilitate change in thinking and changed assessments that can be deployed immediately. 

Fundamentals of Accessible Material Design

This engaging workshop segues quickly from theory to practice in the exploration of accessibility. How we define the “problem” of accessibility affects how we address it. We explore how it has been defined, how it can be defined, and how empowered faculty and staff can be when we rethink what we mean by accessibility. Extended workshops include training specifically into how to make documents (word, PDF) accessible, how to render PowerPoints accessible, and/or how to efficiently create closed captioning. 

Custom Requests

Workshops and keynotes can be customized or designed in many cases, with advanced notice. Workshops that relate to UDL and/or accessibility are within my expertise. 


Other Services 

In addition to workshops and keynotes, we offer several other services including: 


Schedule time 1:1 or with a committee/group to discuss real and present challenges, opportunities, or questions. I draw from my experience as a pioneer of UDL in higher education as well as my years of experience facilitating a network of other UDL practitioners in higher education from around the world in providing support, resources, and ideas. 

Learning Product/Course Design & Development 

I have created entire courses (e.g., Implementing UDL on Canvas), articles for professional development organizations, presentations for and other professional organizations. 

Accessibility Testing or Corrections

I am able to test and evaluate Canvas courses, Word documents, PowerPoints, PDFs, and other materials to ensure accessiblity. I can also make batch corrections to fix accessibility issues found therein. 

Let’s Collaborate! 

Collaboration is the heart of my work. I don’t believe in simply being a “motivational speaker,” but in being part of a process that leads to meaningful growth toward your institution’s objectives and vision. All engagements, therefore, include significant communication before and after my work to ensure that my contribution is relevant, timely, and supportive of larger initiatives. 

Base Fees*

  • Keynote or presentation (up to 60 minutes) $2000 
  • Half-day workshop program (up to 3 hours) $3000
  • Full-day workshop program (up to 8 hours) $4500
  • Evaluation or Consulting (minimum of 2 hours) $250/hr**
  • Panel Participation $1500 

*fees can be negotiated for institutions with smaller budgets available. Discounts can be provided for multiple items in a single trip.
**this can be included as part of half or full day programs at no extra cost 

Travel and Related Fees 

  • Local: For clients within 100 miles of Knoxville, TN, no additional travel fees are assessed for one-day events.  
  • Non-Local: For all others, a $150 per diem rate is assessed + actual cost of hotel and mileage (GSA rate) or actual flight cost. 

Payment Terms 

  • If airfare is required, payment for the airfare is due 30 calendar days prior to the engagement.
  • Base fee and other non-airfare travel/related fees are due within 30 calendar days after the engagement. 
  • Checks may be made out to Eric J. Moore. Credit and/or PayPal payments may also be accepted with a 2% surcharge. 

Cancellation and Rescheduling 

Cancellations are sometimes necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event that you need to cancel, please inform me as soon as possible. The only thing I cannot refund would be purchased plane tickets. Beyond that, I am glad to refund anything paid in advance and reschedule when mutually convenient. 

How to Schedule 

Contact me at and we’ll set up a time to discuss the plan!